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Amazon Cognito Authentication For Kibana

Cognito Setup for Kibana Authentication


Integrating Kibana with Cognito provides enhanced security and user management capabilities. This article will guide you through a step-by-step process to set up Cognito and configure it for Kibana authentication.

Step 1: Create a Cognito User Pool

Visit the AWS Cognito console and click "Create a user pool". Configure the user pool settings, including the pool name, region, and desired authentication mechanisms.

Step 2: Create a Cognito App Client

Navigate to the "App clients" tab within the user pool. Click "Create new app client" and provide a name and description. Select the "Web" option and configure the allowed callback URLs and allowed origins.

Step 3: Configure Kibana

In the Kibana configuration file (kibana.yml), add the following settings under the server.auth.type property:

 server.auth.type: cognito  cognito:    - name: myCognitoProvider      order: 1      url: https://your-cognito-domain      authorize_endpoint: https://your-cognito-domain/oauth2/authorize      token_endpoint: https://your-cognito-domain/oauth2/token      userinfo_endpoint: https://your-cognito-domain/oauth2/userInfo      client_id: your-cognito-client-id      client_secret: your-cognito-client-secret      scope: openid 

Step 4: Update Kibana Proxy Configuration

In the Kibana proxy configuration file (proxy.conf.d/kibana.conf), add the following settings:

 ProxyPass /oauth2/* https://your-cognito-domain/oauth2 ProxyPassReverse /oauth2/* https://your-cognito-domain/oauth2 

Step 5: Restart Kibana

Restart Kibana for the changes to take effect.


By following these steps, you have successfully set up Cognito for Kibana authentication, enhancing the security and user management capabilities of your Kibana deployment.
